
about us

FRAMESPORT background

Adriatic small ports and marinas are currently experiencing a rather challenging economic situation due to a surplus of supply compared to demand levels and the increased mean age of users. Boosting competitiveness is a priority for these realities, both for Italian and Croatian ones, which would highly benefit from new business models, measures and actions aimed at recovering their overall efficiency and attractiveness.

Link to the official website of the project:


New opportunities for small Adriatic ports

FRAMESPORT aims at supporting a homogeneous and integrated improvement of Adriatic small ports sustainability, competitiveness and attractiveness through:

  • the delivery of a strategic framework orienting their future development in the long run.
  • the realisation of an ICT platform as a virtual space, available for users and stakeholders, containing results from the implementation of pilot actions and the best-practices, suggestions and proposals for Adriatic small ports development and management.
  • the increase of competences for a harmonized planning and management of small ports, contributing to elevating their role as drivers for the sustainable growth of coastal areas.
main activities

Structure of technical WPs

WP3 - Framework strategy for the development of small ports

UMBRELLA framework initiative framing further developments of small ports and delivering strategic guidance.

  • Data collection of a full set of information on small ports supporting cross-border strategic dialogue and related decision process;
  • Designing an ICT Platform and a web-GIS interface to organize information collected;
  • Implementing and updating the ICT Platform’s procedure overtime;
  • Sharing a common strategy structure based on WP5 pilot initiatives’ results;
  • Delivering the strategic framework for small ports sustainable development.

WP4 - Conveying knowledge of macro-themes into actions

TRANSVERSAL themes to be jointly developed:


  • Collecting baseline information on the existing facilities and characteristics of small ports in the different regions involved;
  • Best practice analysis to support pilot action definition and implementation;
  • Key dialogues with stakeholders to assess phenomenon needs & define priorities.

WP5 - Framework strategy for the develoInnovative tools & services boosting strategic development of small ports

SPECIFIC themes as drivers of the potential development of each port: INNOVATION, ENVIRONMENT, CONNECTIVITY, to be tested with piloting initiatives in several small ports of the Programm area.

  • Definition of a common background for pilots’ implementation;
  • Pilot actions:
    • preparatory, execution & monitoring phases;
    • resume and scale-up to facilitate transfer of best practice.

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